flex: Quoted Constructs

 A.4.3 Quoted Constructs
 C99 String Literal
 C99 Comment
      Note that in C99, a ‘//’-style comment may be split across lines,
      and, contrary to popular belief, does not include the trailing ‘\n’
      A better way to scan ‘/* */’ comments is by line, rather than
      matching possibly huge comments all at once.  This will allow you
      to scan comments of unlimited length, as long as line breaks appear
      at sane intervals.  This is also more efficient when used with
      automatic line number processing.  ⇒option-yylineno.
          "/*"      BEGIN(COMMENT);
          "*/"      BEGIN(0);
          [^*\n]+   ;
          "*"[^/]   ;
          \n        ;