speech-dispatcher: Autospawning

 4.6 Autospawning
 It is suggested that client libraries offer an autospawn functionality
 to automatically start the server process when connecting locally and if
 it is not already running.  E.g.  if the client application starts and
 Speech Dispatcher is not running already, the client will start Speech
    The library API should provide a possibility to turn this
 functionality off, but we suggest to set the default behavior to
    Autospawn is performed by executing Speech Dispatcher with the -spawn
 parameter under the same user and permissions as the client process:
      speech-dispatcher --spawn
    With the ‘--spawn’ parameter, the process will start and return with
 an exit code of 0 only if a) it is not already running (pidfile check)
 b) the server doesn't have autospawn disabled in its configuration c) no
 other error preventing the start occurs.  Otherwise, Speech Dispatcher
 is not started and the error code of 1 is returned.
    The location of the ‘speech-dispatcher’ command should be obtained
 from the ‘SPEECHD_CMD’ environment variable if defined, and otherwise
 fallback to the ‘SPD_SPAWN_CMD’ compile-time constant, i.e.
    The client library should redirect its stdout and stderr outputs
 either to nowhere or to its logging system.  It should subsequently
 completely detach from the newly spawned process.
    Due to a bug in Speech Dispatcher, it is currently necessary to
 include a wait statement after the autospawn for about 0.5 seconds
 before attempting a connection.
    Please see how autospawn is implemented in the C API and in the
 Python API for an example.