speech-dispatcher: Troubleshooting

 2.3 Troubleshooting
 If you are experiencing problems when running Speech Dispatcher, please:
    * Use 'spd-conf' to run diagnostics:
           spd-conf -d
    * Check the appropriate logfile in
      '~/.cache/speech-dispatcher/log/speech-dispatcher.log' for user
      Speech Dispatcher or in
      '/var/log/speech-dispatcher/speech-dispatcher.log'.  Look for lines
      containing the string 'ERROR' and their surrounding contents.  If
      you hear no speech, restart Speech Dispatcher and look near the end
      of the log file - before any attempts for synthesis of any message.
      Usually, if something goes wrong with the initialization of the
      output modules, a textual description of the problem and a
      suggested solution can be found in the log file.
    * If this doesn't reveal the problem, please run
           spd-conf -D
      Which will genereate a very detailed logfile archive which you can
      examine yourself or send to us with a request for help.
    * You can also try to say some message directly through the utility
                   spd-say "Hello, does it work?"
                   spd-say --language=cs --rate=20 "Everything ok?"
    * Check if your configuration files (speechd.conf, modules/*.conf)
      are correct (some uninstalled synthesizer specified as the default,
      wrong values for default voice parameters etc.)
    * There is a know problem in some versions of Festival.  Please make
      sure that Festival server_access_list configuration variable and
      your /etc/hosts.conf are set properly.  server_access_list must
      contain the symbolic name of your machine and this name must be
      defined in /etc/hosts.conf and point to your IP address.  You can
      test if this is set correctly by trying to connect to the port
      Festival server is running on via an ordinary telnet (by default
      like this: 'telnet localhost 1314').  If you are not rejected, it